Peter Ampe

Peter is one of Europe’s much esteemed creative directors with a unique track record combining 44 Cannes Lions with 19 effie awards. He is known for his capacity to transform every briefing into a true and meaningful idea, searching not only for creativity but societal relevance for each brand. Peter is also the author of ‘Great Minds Think Unalike’, a book he co-wrote with his wife and leadership coach Emily Rammant. The book highlights the creative advantages of ADHD, ASD, dyslexia and OCD.  

2022 was a Grand Cru Year for Peter and his agency FamousGrey; the campaign Volvo Street Configurator won a Gold Lion in Cannes and a Grand Prix at Eurobest, 2022 was also the year Peter was invited for the One Show Jury and he held a seat in the Belgian effie jury. 

With a Master degree in Linguistics and Literature, Peter started out as freelance journalist and language teacher for political refugees. At the age of 29 he joined the world of advertising, with the ambition to make it less about advertising and more about authenticity. Today he is the CCO of FamousGrey and member of the Grey Creative Global Council.