Mihai Trandafir

With more 25 years in advertising, Mihai has been leading the most prominent Media Agency in Romania, UM. 

Strategist at heart, he believes media people need to develop a new blend of capabilities, mixing science, and art to become the new architects of communication, understanding the role of each campaign element and integrating them seamlessly in the story, always digital at heart. 

His team’s recognition history includes Agency of the Year @ Festival of Media Global in 2016 (7 Gold awards, 1 silver, 1 bronze + Grand Prix for the best campaign in 2016), Media Agency of the Year @ Eurobest in 2015, Media Agency of the Year @ Golden Drum in 2023, but also 37 Cannes Lions (including 2 Grand Prix), 79 awards received @ Effie, Grand Prix in Euro Effie 2022.  

He is also actively involved in media tools development & media industry associations, promoting innovation and high international standards on the Romanian market: 2003-2011 Vice President of ARMA (industry association for TV audience measurement), Member of the Board of BRAT (industry research association, monitoring & audit for Press, Internet, OOH & Radio) since 2007, Member of the Board of IAA Romania since 2013. 

President of the Organizational Committee for Effie Romania in 2019, Board Member of IAA Romania since 2017. 

International jury member of Cannes Lions, Festival of Media Global, Effie Global Best of the Best in 2021 & 2022, MMG 2023, and Local Effie.