Lucas Boudet

Lucas Boudet is the Director General of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA).  

EASA is the single authoritative voice on advertising self-regulation in Europe. It promotes high ethical standards in commercial communications by means of effective self-regulation. Established over 30 years ago, EASA represents and coordinates collective advertising self-regulatory systems across Europe. Its membership is composed, on the one hand of, 14 stakeholders representing the entire advertising value chain (advertisers, agencies, media, and digital platforms) which are all committed to ensuring responsible advertising and, on the other, 27 independent advertising self-regulatory organisations (SROs) which enforce self-regulatory codes at the national level. 

EASA aims to promote and strengthen its ad self-regulatory network. It provides guidance and high operational standards as well as fosters a forward-looking dialogue at the European level to address common challenges and help ensure advertising self-regulation is recognised as a relevant part of the regulatory landscape. 

Before joining EASA in 2016, Lucas Boudet spent 12 years leading different self-financed independent French Chambers of Commerce abroad, in Belgium, Thailand, and South Korea. 
He holds a Master’s degree in entrepreneurial studies from the Paris Institute of Political Science (Sciences Po Paris) as well as a double degree in French and Anglo-American business law from the University of Paris.