Igor Vukasović

Igor Vukasović has been working in the communications industry for the past two decades. During this time, he has held several executive positions in both the corporate and PR agency sectors. 

Since 2020, he has been the Director of Corporate Communications at Hrvatski Telekom (Croatian Telecom), the leading telecommunications company in Croatia, where he is responsible for internal and external communication. Prior to this position, he was the Director/Manager of Corporate Communications at Addiko Bank, where he spent nine years in charge of corporate communications. He also served as the Director of Corporate Communications for the Addiko Group, overseeing the communication aspects of the Group’s privatization and rebranding across six SEE markets. Before moving “in-house”, he worked for six years at two high-profile public relations agencies in Croatia, managing clients from the ICT, FMCG, finance, pharmaceutical, education, food, aviation, and other industries. The campaigns he led have received several domestic and international communication awards and recognitions. 

Since 2009, he has been a permanent lecturer and visiting professor, teaching corporate and crisis communication, brand, and reputation management in undergraduate and graduate programs at the Faculty of Political Science and Edward Bernays University of Applied Sciences. He is also the author of several published academic papers. 

Igor holds a degree in journalism from the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb and has completed leadership and communication management programs at IEDC BLED and the London School of Public Relations. 

He is a member of the Forbes Communication Council, the Croatian Public Relations Association, and is Hrvatski Telekom’s representative with the UN Global Compact and the Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development.