Back in 2018, Pampers created its smallest diaper for premature babies and decided to donate them to hospitals as part of an international brand CSR move. In 2020, they knew they wanted to do more: bring comfort to their parents who were not allowed to be next to their baby due to pandemic restrictions. […]
CASE STUDY: Canon Truthmark
In today’s world of deep-fakes, photoshop and fake news, images are increasingly misused. Photographers, whose raison d’être is to document reality, have little power over how to protect their imagery. For Canon to reconnect with its core audience, Uncle Grey created Truthmark. […]
CASE STUDY: Stranger 80’s
Netflix is one of the major global online streaming platforms. Their most successful show is Stranger Things. The plot pays homage to the most iconic films and references of the 80s. The task was to launch season 3 of Stranger Things, whose plot pays homage to the 80s. […]
Between March and April 2020, violences against children increased by 50%. Locked down with their abusers, children were almost trapped during this crisis. Association L’Enfant Bleu wanted to free their words in a secure and undercover way. […]
Sales at Isadore’s e-shop stagnated. The brand had to build not only higher awareness, but to generate a greater interest in the brand. How? Attack conservative category by new emotion, insightful humour of real everyday life of cyclists and make brand very distinctive. […]
CASE STUDY: Tomorrow’s Water
Turkey will be a water poor in near future. And yet people waste like there is no tomorrow. Every year, we waste water equal to the size of a lake, on needless pre-rinsing. To save tomorrow’s water and start a movement Finish started an integrated water preservation campaign. […]
White Paper: The Road to Recovery
Drawing on a comprehensive dataset of EACA Effie Awards Europe winners from 2009 to 2018, we showed how successful premium brands not could not only weather recessionary storms, but even grow and thrive during the tough conditions of recession. […]
White Paper: The Worst of Times, The Best of Times
The new findings from the EACA’s Effectiveness Knowledge Centre of Effie Europe winners from 2008-2019 show that with the right growth strategy and using communications as an accelerator, premium brands can achieve growth in the toughest of times, as well as times of economic growth. […]
Read More… from White Paper: The Worst of Times, The Best of Times