In the spotlight:

Kevin versus John: How a humble carrot usurped a national treasure to win the UK’s Christmas Ad crown

2022 Gold Effie Winner

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Kevin versus John: How a humble carrot usurped a national treasure to win the UK’s Christmas Ad crown

Sustained Success (Gold Effie)

Aldi UK

MacCann Manchester

The Challenge

Traditionally, Christmas is a time when shoppers become less loyal, and so food retailers strive to hold onto their existing shoppers whilst enticing new ones so there should have been an opportunity to gain new footfall and increase penetration. Whilst Aldi’s existing shoppers spent much more at Christmas than is the norm, they did not always spend it at Aldi. Consequently, the brand was not only failing to attract new customers but also missing their loyal customers’ biggest and most profitable shop of the year and, as a result, suffering a corresponding drop in Christmas sales.

An Illuminating truth

Aldi’s qualitative and quantitative research revealed a surprising paradox in shoppers’ attitudes towards Christmas. They buy into the hyperbole and excitement but simultaneously recognise that Christmas is just a day just like any other. For many, the real magic of Christmas lies in this paradox; in the power of the imagination to see the most everyday things in the most amazing ways. Just like Aldi’s Everyday Amazing strategy. If a little Christmas spirit was all it took to transform a day-like-any-other into an amazing, festive spectacular, then it could help us to reposition Aldi as the secret to a magical Christmas accessible to all.

Built on this paradox, Aldi launched their ‘Everyday Amazing’ strategy in 2016, based on their meaningful role: 'Making Access to High Quality, Great Value, Fresh Food a Right for Everyone' And this role could not be more meaningful than it is at Christmas, a time of feasting and goodwill to all.

Kevin the Carrot - Aldi UK Christmas Commercial

By consistently sticking with and investing in Kevin for 6 years, Aldi took on and beat the giants of Christmas advertising, John Lewis and Coca Cola, to become the UK’s most effective and favourite Christmas advertising. Kevin was declared ‘The Nation’s Favourite Christmas Ad’ in 2020, and again in 2021, even surpassing the iconic ‘Coke Truck’. Most importantly Kevin has helped to deliver a 6-year value share growth of 54% and an overall ROMI of 241%. Not bad for a humble vegetable.


Kevin established himself as an Aldi brand icon and in turn helped to grow penetration and reduce the trade-out even during the difficult Covid-19 Years.

Popular Fame/Consideration
Thanks to Kevin Aldi became the number one ranked brand on YouGov’s Brand Index for 6 consecutive years + Kevin was declared ‘The Nation’s Favourite Christmas Ad’ in 2020, and again in 2021, surpassing John Lewis and the iconic ‘Coke Truck’.

Most importantly, the Kevin campaigns generated a huge payback for Aldi. Besides generating £618m in incremental sales, they specifically allowed Aldi to sell £26.7m of Kevin merchandise - Kevin consistently reduced Aldi’s Christmas share loss delivering a 6-year value share growth of 54%, £618m in incremental revenue and an overall ROMI of 241%.

WHY A GOLD EFFIE? Here's what the jurors said.

"Great consistent strategy and impressive long-term results. Brilliant insight. A great proof that creativity has the power to bring business results. Complex and comprehensive; outstanding in the category case."

"Well-rounded, nicely written case, easy to follow and to understand. Clearly a great campaign that worked throughout the years."

"Make Aldi more famous, more talked about and more loved by becoming Britain’s favorite Christmas advertising with a consistent strategic creative approach proven to be successful. Very strong creative with impeccable data presentation."

"Great long-term challenge, exceptional consequence, pure creative craft, tangible results."

"Comprehensive framing and set out of objectives. Strong results and well framed journey over the past 6 years."