Magnum Classic

Summary: “Magnum Classics were losing attractiveness for cheaper or more innovative alternatives. To revert this sales drop scenario, we needed to reinforce Magnum’s quality perception.
And a cultural shift led us to a powerful insight: younger generations consume more culture from the past, meaning that good things don’t get old, they get classic.
With this fresh way of seeing aging, we created a beautiful campaign that celebrated timeless classics, like the pleasure of indulging in a Magnum, increasing in 22% Classics sales, +4.5-points in Better Quality and +11-points in Purpose perception.”
Reframed consumer’s perception of Magnum Classics, achieving +22% Sales and the highest brand results ever.
Lead Agency(s): LOLA MullenLowe
Contributing Agency(s): Golin, Mindshare, Proppa
Client / Brand: Unilever Foods & Refreshments Global BV / Magnum Classic
Effie Award(s): Silver